Facial Acupuncture Treatment
What is Qi beauty?
Can cosmetic acupuncture help aging skin? Here’s what Sophie, well-known for facial acupuncture in Markham says. Qi is the energy within you that plays a major role in maintaining your health and vitality as you age. Skin also requires Qi stimulation to assist with effective oxygenation and regeneration. There are many different beauty facials. Sophie will identify the best beauty facial to target your specific needs and will activate the energy that your skin requires to promote vitality and a youthful appearance.
What is the process?
Your skin will be assessed before designing a personalized face matrix that will integrate techniques to carry Qi into lines and areas that require nutrient support for volume and lift.
During your beauty facial, 1,000 Qi micro-magnets will be placed gently on meridians to reconnect your Qi. These micromagnets have been specifically designed for skin pH compatibility and will be positioned according to your personalized face matrix.
While your skin is stimulated during the process, ionic gels, creams, serums and nutrients are applied in sequence to deliver a luxurious facial treatment with lasting results. Following treatment, you’ll receive a personalized home kit, for you to continue the Qi beauty process at home.