Acupuncture is most popularly used as a method of pain relief, but it has also been used extensively for mental and emotional benefits. Acupuncture for anxiety and stress can be effective if it is practised properly. Here are the ways that you can improve the results of anxiety acupuncture.

How does acupuncture for anxiety and stress work?

You are probably already familiar with the basic principles of acupuncture. At specific spots on the body, thin needles are implanted. In traditional Chinese medicine, this was a way to unblock the meridians, or channels, that carry the energy known as QI. Today, it is thought that it helps stimulate endorphins, changes the operation of your nervous system, and generally encourages your body to heal.


An acupuncture session should take place in a relatively calm and stress-free environment, so you should be encouraged to relax before you even start. Once underway, stress-related hormones such as cortisol should reduce whilst blood flow to the brain increases. This could cause a switch from the “fight or flight” reactions of the sympathetic nervous system to the resting state of the parasympathetic nervous system.


Acupuncture, when done correctly, can help you sleep better, improve your appetite and digestion, relax your muscles, increase your concentration, and lessen stress symptoms in general.

How to improve the effectiveness of anxiety acupuncture?

There are a few things that are necessary for any acupuncture session, including acupuncture for anxiety and stress. An experienced and well-trained acupuncturist is a necessity. You’ll need a clean, safe, and relaxing workplace, as well as the appropriate equipment and sanitation protocols. It is also more likely to be effective if you go into your session with an open mind. Some individuals have qualms about acupuncture, which can make it difficult for them to fully commit to their treatment.


Make sure you arrive at your session on time and try not to rush in at the last minute. It is helpful not to be hungry during a session, and to avoid caffeine, alcohol, heavy foods or anything that could make it harder to relax beforehand. After you leave your session, try not to do anything strenuous for the rest of the day.


Acupuncture is sometimes offered in conjunction with other therapies, such as reflexology, and the combination of the two may improve the total result. Acupuncture is also a complementary therapy for regular medications, and again using them alongside each other may help both. You should not just stop any medication you are on without talking to your doctor, even if you think acupuncture will be a better treatment for you. Withdrawal side effects could interfere with your acupuncture treatment.


Anxiety acupuncture has been used by many people all around the world for a very long time. Not everyone is always going to experience benefits from acupuncture, but its likelihood of success will increase if you take a few basic steps. With the right therapist, equipment, attitude, and schedule, you may see your anxiety reduced.